
‘ROBERT®’ is the method for enabling early mobilization

ROBERT® was created as an innovative rehabilitation robot to aid in the early mobilisation of patients. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with stroke, motor disorders, and similar conditions. Introducing the robot on the first day of hospitalisation is crucial, even if the patients are still in a weakened state.

One of ROBERT®’s applications in stroke rehabilitation is enhancing gait function in stroke patients. Both the end-effector and exoskeleton devices have been proven to effectively complement traditional physiotherapy for individuals in the subacute stage of stroke.

Early-Mobilization-with the-Help-of – ‘ROBERT®’-rehabmodalities

ROBERT® seeks to push the current limits of patient advancement while also fostering a sustainable working atmosphere for healthcare providers. By enabling numerous repetitions and focusing on the weakest joints, ROBERT® expedites the rehabilitation process for patients. Additionally, ROBERT® assists healthcare professionals by alleviating the strain of manual exercises.

How might Robert contribute to improving the experiences of patients and healthcare professionals?

Working with ‘ROBERT®‘ in physical therapy involves intense effort due to the high level of intensity.


  • Enhances the effectiveness of treatment by promoting early mobilisation
  • Helps in the prevention of soft tissue contracture and pressure sores
  • Reduces the risk of blood clots and pneumonia
  • Minimises muscular atrophy and neuropathic effects
  • Decreases the need for heavy and repetitive lifts
  • Frees up resources for other aspects of treatment or nearby tasks
  • Offers easy manoeuvring and a simple interface

Early Mobility with Robert

Early-Mobilisation-with the-Help-of – ‘ROBERT®’-rehabmodalities

Moving out of the hospital promptly following admission or surgery is a crucial part of achieving full recovery.

Treatment involves….

  • Preventing the formation of blood clots, pressure ulcers, and infections in wounds, as well as improving blood circulation.
  • Assisting in the removal of secretions, reducing the risk of respiratory infections, and enhancing lung function.
  • Preserving muscle strength to promote self-reliance and boost confidence.
  • Enhancing overall well-being by stimulating the digestive system.
  • Alleviating anxiety and instilling optimism for a speedier recovery. Facilitating readiness for discharge by promoting optimal fitness.

Rehabilitation with robots

The exercise’s resistance level is adapted to the patient’s functional strength. ROBERT® is capable of providing resistance for any movement, as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

The level of activity during the exercise is determined by the patient’s function and strength. The patient either works in sync with ROBERT®‘s movements or rests when fatigued.

Patients who are severely affected can be mobilised very early. Even patients with little to no function can participate in early rehabilitation.

It is essential to begin rehabilitation as early as the first day of the patient’s hospitalisation, even if the patient is very weak and unable to get out of bed independently. The practical design of the ROBERT® allows for easy movement from one room to another, enabling the patient to stay in bed and focus on therapy.

Early-Mobilization-with the-Help-of – ‘ROBERT®’-rehabmodalities

ROBERT® – The Rehabilitation Robots in physical therapy mobilise patients by providing sufficient, personalised training.

Testimonial from our patients

It’s challenging to manage plantar training in a regular setup due to significant patient compensation. ROBERT® effectively facilitates quality movement while allowing the therapist to determine the exercise’s range of motion. This unique feature of ROBERT® presents a valuable opportunity!

Connect with us for a free demo at https://rehabmodalities.com/ to learn more about rehabilitation robots.

Written by Rehab Modalities

July 5, 2023

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