
An Early & Intensive Neuro-rehabilitation with VIBRAMOOV

Vibramoov provides a unique functional proprioceptive stimulation Neurorehabilitation treatment technology, which can simulate proprioception and motor control signals consistent with normal functional movement to form functional sensory-motor nerve

Vibramoov technologies offer healthcare professionals a unique opportunity to preserve & enhance the sensory-motor functions of patients suffering from motor impairments.

One of the main challenges of Neurorehabilitation is to reconstruct the coordinated transmission between the motor system and related neurosensory information. The loop, which induces autonomous and functional exercise and continuous training, enables the patient to maintain this interactive transmission of neuromuscular information throughout the rehabilitation process. 

Neuro-rehabilitation with VIBRAMOOV

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There are two modes of treatment: 

Two modes to preserve & enhance sensory-motor functions…

  1. Triggering motor activities via proprioceptive inputs

They induce sensations of movement and can provoke motor responses corresponding to the movements felt by the patient. FPS facilitates movement, keeps sensorimotor interactions alive and stimulates neuroplasticity.

  • Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations mechanically stimulate the muscle spindles.
  • Mimics the sensory signals – Ia fibres
  • This neurosensory trick activates related sensory-motor areas
  • Allows patients to feel natural movements. Because sensory & motor systems are interdependent, the CNS then reacts by initiating corresponding movements

Active participation increases, session after session, following these three successive steps:

  • Induces sensation of movement.
  • Generates motor responses initiating the movement felt
  • Active participation of the patient.

2. Focal vibration

These simulations are applied to the middle of the muscle to induce repetitive muscle contractions and/or stretches.

  • Contend the deleterious effects of hypo mobilisation
  • Preserve muscular architecture
  • Regulate muscle activity between agonist & antagonist

Possible synchronous treatments of patients with similar conditions allow a larger number of daily applications.

Clinical Benefits of Vibramoov

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  • Prevents the functional decline of the sensorimotor system
  • Effectively induce nerve plasticity
  • Reduces muscle tone and reduces spasm
  • Visual biofeedback
  • Wide range of applications, covering the entire rehabilitation process
  • Easy to operate
  • Patients can train by themselves

Vibramoov Rehabilitation Continuum –  A unique versatile solution that guides patients throughout their long journey of Neurorehabilitation.

The variety of programmes integrated into the Vibramoov interface, the progressiveness of exercises, and the use of patient positioning accessories allow clinicians to optimise treatment and maximise functional gains for patients.

‘Speed up the rehabilitation process with Vibramoov … Promote neuroplasticity through the application of an early, intense treatment that makes sense to the patient.

Connect with us at www.rehabmodalities.com for more on VIBRAMOOV treatment plans.

To know more write to us: info@rehabmodalities.com

Written by Rehab Modalities

September 15, 2023

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