
Early mobilisation with the help of ROBERT®

ROBERT® facilitates the ability to do many repetitions and target the weakest joints, accelerating the rehabilitation process for patients! Also, ROBERT® supports healthcare professionals by lifting the burden of manual exercises. Training with ROBERT® is hard work as it is highly intensive, but it’s all worth it in the end.

Treating Patients 

Moving as soon as possible after admission or surgery is an important step toward optimal recovery.


  • Increases blood flow

Prevents blood clots, bed sores, and wound infections

  • Improves respiratory function

Clears secretions and helps to prevent chest infections

  • Maintains muscle strength

Contributes to independence increases confidence

  • Activates the digestive system

Increases general well being

  • Promotes being fit for discharge

Reduces anxiety and brings hope for a faster recovery.

Early-Mobilisation-with the-Help-of – ‘ROBERT®’-rehabmodalities

Active Mobilisation

The robot offers both – active resistive and assistive mobilisation and offers patients and healthcare professionals better conditions for rehabilitation.

In order to improve the patient’s functional ability and recovery, rehabilitation is essential. Through individualised treatments, ROBERT® makes it possible to start the process at a very early stage, which can intensify rehabilitation.

Patients receive sufficient personalised training even on busy working days. As the rehabilitation is intensified, the healthcare professionals are relieved from repeated heavy lifting. The rehabilitation robot makes it possible to treat more than one patient at one time. Patients are able to exercise with ROBERT® by themselves at their own pace.

Passive Mobilisation

ROBERT® supports the rehabilitation of immobilised patients

Very early mobilisation of severely affected patients is facilitated. Patients with a reduced or inexistent level of function can engage in early rehabilitation.

Early-Mobilisation-with the-Help-of – ‘ROBERT®’-rehabmodalities


It’s important we begin rehabilitation exercises, to quickly get patients out of bed! Mobilisation and training of hospitalised patients are important for maintaining self-functional ability. Development and testing of innovative methods, including new robot technology, are desirable in order to optimise future treatment and rehabilitation procedures.

ROBERT® improves the effectiveness of treatment by-

  • Preventing soft tissue contracture and pressure sores
  • Minimising risk of blood clots and pneumonia
  • Reducing muscular atrophy and neuropathic effects.

Studies have shown that patients’ ability to influence their own rehabilitation process, will result in an improved outcome. The exercises performed by the robot are based on the experts’ knowledge, to ensure an effective and qualitative treatment

Know more : https://rehabmodalities.com/robert/

Written by Rehab Modalities

April 25, 2023

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