
ROBERT®:A Comprehensive & Adaptable Rehabilitation Solution

A first step out of bed….

ROBERT® is an innovative robot designed to facilitate effective rehabilitation and early mobilisation of patients. The robot offers both active resistance and assistance during mobilisation, improving rehabilitation conditions for both patients and healthcare professionals.

Despite potential weakness in patients, Life Science Robotics can demonstrate Robert’s unique capabilities for treating lower extremities and a new module for the upper extremities.

Life Science Robotics is the developer of ROBERT®, a groundbreaking robot designed explicitly for mobilising bedridden patients and specialised in rehabilitation robotics.

What impact can ROBERT® have on patients’ lives?

A quick step out of bed by a patient using Life Science Robotics…

Mobilisation Types

ROBERT® - A-complete-and-Flexible Solution-for-Rehabilitation-rehabmodalities

The exercise’s resistance level is tailored to the patient’s functional strength. ROBERT® can provide resistance to any movement as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Active Mobilisation of Assistance

The patient’s function and strength determine the activity level during the exercise. In case of fatigue, the patient either cooperates with ROBERT®’s movements or relaxes.

Passive Mobilisation

Severely affected patients can be mobilised very early. Early rehabilitation is possible for patients with reduced or no function.

Recovery through ROBERT

ROBERT® enhances treatment outcomes by averting soft tissue contracture and pressure ulcers, decreasing the likelihood of blood clots and pneumonia, and mitigating muscle atrophy and neuropathic effects.

ROBERT® - A-complete-and-Flexible Solution-for-Rehabilitation-rehabmodalities

The therapy starts with ROBERT® conducting a safety assessment. The brace is connected to the patient’s lower leg, and ROBERT® is brought to the bedside and positioned near the patient’s legs.

Empowering patients to participate in their rehabilitation leads to better outcomes. Experts design the robot’s exercises to ensure effective and high-quality treatment.

ROBERT® is now prepared to begin the therapy. When discharged from the intensive care unit, the patient receives top-quality training, potentially enhancing their physical conditioning. Once instructed by healthcare professionals to conduct a training exercise, ROBERT® handles the heavy and repetitive lifting during rehabilitation, enhancing the working environment for the physiotherapist assisting the patient.

Robert Success Storeys

ROBERT® assists us in training the affected side of the patient, where the numerous repetitions and heavy lifting can be challenging for me and my colleagues. When conducting exercises that involve leaning over the hip with a broad range of movement, we observe the exceptional support provided by ROBERT®. In this manner, ROBERT® ensures rigorous training with numerous repetitions and increased muscle engagement for our patients.

Stine Hansen


Neurocenter Østerskoven

ROBERT® eases the workload of healthcare professionals by eliminating the need for manual exercises. Using ROBERT® for training is extremely rigorous, but the results make it all worthwhile.

Visit https://rehabmodalities.com/ to discover more about the innovative ROBERT® and its capabilities.

Written by Rehab Modalities

June 17, 2023

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