Cyberdyne is a revolutionary therapy method that operates using robotics. The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL...
Neuro rehab -Innovative Robot for Cerebral Palsy Patients
“Cyberdyne” is generated by Cybernics”. HAL® – is the only robotic suit that can provide...
Cyborg Assist in Early Mobilisation of Athletes
HAL® uses neurosensing technology to teach elite athletes how to release their muscles. The...
Cyberdyne HAL – Treatment for Muscular Degeneration
Cyberdyne has developed a robotic system that allows individuals who have lost the function of...
Spinal Cord Dysfunction Treated by The Cyberdyne HAL
Hal® is a technology that Cyberdyne Treatment employs to enhance wearer function. The world's...
Lumbar Disorder Treats by Cyberdyne HAL Technology
The combination of "man," "machine," and "information" is achieved through the use of Cyberdyne's...
Neurodegenerative Diseases Treat by Cyberdyne Treatment
HAL designs, develops, and produces cutting-edge Cybernetics systems with the goal of constructing...
A great relief from spinal cord injury from HAL Cyberdyne
Spinal Cord Injury is a prevalent cause of acquired disability globally. Significant changes have...
Recent Blogs
Top 5 Exercises for Stroke Survivors
A stroke can have a profound impact on an individual's physical and cognitive abilities, often...
Perkeso Rehabilitation: Leading the Future of Neuro-Robotics for Neurological Conditions in Malaysia
Perkeso Rehabilitation is at the forefront of transforming patient care in Malaysia through...
Chronic Pain and Rehabilitation – Restoring Normal Life Through Innovative Devices
Chronic pain significantly impacts daily life, often hindering mobility and overall well-being....