Healthcare has advanced significantly as a result of several technological discoveries. Cyberdyne is a pioneer in the field of “Cybernics,” which combines humans, machines, and information. Cyberdyne therapy in India is the most recent technology. With the...
The Cyborg Wearable™Multiple Sclerosis sufferers benefit from HAL’s robotic gait training. The world’s first technology, called HAL [The Hybrid Assistive Limb], maintains, improves, and regenerates a wearer’s physical functions in accordance with...
Cyberdyne HAL is a moving miracle, particularly for individuals who are paralysed. With the use of an exoskeleton wearable robot suit, the Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) helps with voluntary control of hip and knee joint mobility. Patients suffering from paralysis can...
The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL enhances the wearer’s functionality. Treatments for neuromuscular disorders, spinal cord injuries, and stroke are available. Through clinical applications, the impact of this therapy approach on promoting lower limb, upper limb, and...
Cyberdyne HAL® enables those who have lost use of their lower limbs to recover the pleasure of walking. The robotic suit moves the legs based on the patient’s intentions. Cyberdyne’s Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL®) increases locomotor activity for individuals...
Cyberdyne is a robot that employs HAL® [Hybrid Assistive Limb] technology to assist persons who have lost their lower limbs in regaining the joy of walking. HAL®, a wearable cyborg, offers hope to patients with progressive muscular dystrophy by allowing them to move...
Cyberdyne is a revolutionary therapy method that operates using robotics. The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL is the only robotic suit capable of addressing brain movements. The created technology is based on the novel notion of IoT technology. HAL® can read signals and operate...
LightForce® Therapy Lasers works towards moving the industry forward through laser science and technology. Our commitment to research and evidence-based treatment solutions defines the direction of our treatment solutions. LightForce® therapy...
Patients can now enjoy the sensation of standing and walking thanks to Cyberdyne’s Wearable Cyborg HAL®, which supports their entire lower skeleton. Many injured people have benefited from the artificial limb as it has helped them heal from injuries caused by...
Vibramoov technologies offer healthcare professionals a unique opportunity to preserve & enhance the sensory-motor functions of patients suffering from motor impairments. Uses of Vibramoov Therapy Vibramoov triggers motor activities via proprioceptive inputs...