The company "Cyberdyne" is created by Cybernics. HAL is the sole robotic suit capable of offering...
Rehabilitation Robotic HAL for Mobility
Moving along with advanced technology is very crucial in healthcare. Cyberdyne...
The Wearable Cyberdyne treatment using HAL techniques
The Hybrid Assistive Limb helps with voluntary control of the knee and hip joint motion as a...
Recovery a Healthy Life with Wearable Cyberdyne HAL
HAL, known as Hybrid Assistive Limb, is the world's pioneering wearable cyborg. It is a robotic...
Cyberdyne with HAL treatment
Cyberdyne utilises Robotics in a new treatment technology. The process involves using HAL – the...
Cyberdyne HAL therapy helps to restore mobility
"The Wearable Cyborg™ - HAL is powered by Cybernics." HAL is the sole robot capable of offering...
HAL’s Robot-Assisted Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation
Competing in the healthcare field requires embracing new and advanced technology. In India, the...
HAL – Sensing and Innovative Robotic Technology
The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) is a lower limb exoskeleton suit developed by Japan's Tsukuba...
Recent Blogs
How to Manage Balance Issues with Migraine-Associated Vertigo: Effective Therapies and Strategies
Migraine-associated vertigo (MAV), also referred to as vestibular migraine, represents a...
Experience World-Class Care at Perkeso Rehabilitation Center Malaysia
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Role of Speech Recovery After Brain Injury Neurorehabilitation
Speech therapy plays a crucial role in the Neurorehabilitation of brain injury patients,...