

Your Trusted Partner for The Cyberdyne Products

in The MESASEA Region

HAL [Hybrid Assistive Limb®]

The World’s First Wearable Cyborg

Application of HAL

Application of HAL to various fields, such as motion assistance in the welfare field, assistance for heavy work in factories as well as a medical device in physical rehabilitation field.



HAL Lower Limb Type and HAL Single Joint Type


HAL Lumbar Type for Well-Being

Task Support

HAL Lumbar Type for Labor Support


Our Trusted Partners & Distributors

We are continuously strived to expand our business and distributing our products to strategic locations around Middle East – South Asia – South East Asia (MESASEA) region which includes Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, India, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, Bahrain, Cyprus, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, United Arab States, Yemen, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan & Sri Lanka.

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We are your trusted partner for Cyberdyne Products in the MESASEA region. We are providing advanced neuro-robotic rehabilitation technologies for the well-being of patients around the world.