
HAL gives Hope To Patients with Neuro-Degenerative Diseases

The Hybrid Assistive Limb, HAL®– is the world‘s first technology that enhances and regenerates the wearer’s physical functions according to the wearer’s intentions. Because of this feature, it is also called The Wearable Cyborg™

HAL’s Principle to neuro patients

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When a person moves their body, he or she first thinks about the motion in their brain. By thinking “I want to walk,” the brain transmits necessary signals for movement to the muscles through nerves.

The technology to recognise and understand high-speed signals at a glance is indispensable for “Wearable Cyborg™ HAL®


Once the signals are received the muscles move-

In a healthy body, each muscle is able to receive signals from the brain and move as strongly and as fast as intended.

In order to produce complex bodily motions for walking, the brain controls a number of muscles based on various types of information from the whole body. The device that was developed as an application of this principle was The “Wearable Cyborg™ HAL®


HAL reads signals-

Signals sent to muscles by the brain leak onto the skin surface as very faint signals known as BES. HAL® is able to read BES by attaching originally developed detectors on the surface of the wearer’s skin. By consolidating various types of information. HAL® recognizes what type of motion the wearer intends to make.


HAL moves as the wearer intends-

HAL®, in accordance with the recognized signals, controls its power unitsThis function enables HAL® to assist the wearer’s motions as he or she intends by exerting greater power than he or she ordinarily can.

HAL® performs assistance for the wearer’s motions through a combination of the Cybernic Voluntary Control System, with which HAL® moves in line with the wearer’s intent by detecting BES, and the Cybernic Autonomous Control System, with which HAL® replicates human motions based on fundamental movement patterns in the absence of BES. This is the advanced technology on which HAL® is founded.

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Human thoughts in the brain that control muscles and move joints are extremely rapid. HAL®, like man, is able to process all kinds of information instantly to apply its power unit after Neurodegenerative disease. When the body starts moving, HAL® moves simultaneously and is thereby able to assist the wearer’s motions


The Brain Learns Motion-

The mechanism to move the human body does not end with the movement of the muscles. The brain confirms how the body moved in response to the type of signals it sent after Neurodegenerative disease.

When HAL® has appropriately assisted the motions of walking, the feeling “I could walk!” is fed back to the brain. In this way, the brain is gradually able to learn the proper way to emit the necessary signals for walking.

This feedback loop leads to “the important first step” in walking without the assistance of HAL® for a physically challenged person e.g.- in patients with Neurodegenerative disease. The only robot that can provide the brain with appropriate solutions for movement is HAL®

Rehabilitation from neuro-diseases

Patient Testimonial-

Rody was caught in a car accident in 2013, resulting in spinal cord injury levels C6 and C7. This injury caused him to have difficulty in standing and walking. However, things changed when he was admitted to Pusat Rehabilitation at PERKESO from Neurodegenerative disease in the year 2019 and started to receive Cyberdyne Lower Limb treatment. After 6 months of Cyberdyne treatment, he can now stand and walk again using the walker. What’s more exciting is that Rody is now back to work!

Connect with us at https://rehabmodalities.com/ to learn more about our awesome mobile journey with HAL®

Written by Rehab Modalities

March 24, 2023

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