
Most advanced therapy for Spinal Cord injury – Cyberdyne in India

India is making great strides in the healthcare industry with advancements in various technologies. One such technology is Cyberdyne, which utilizes robotics for surgical procedures. The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) aids patients during the process.

Uses of ‘The Robot Suit’ for accurate results 

HAL brings predictive results!

The technology that has been developed is based on the new concept of IoT technology (Internet of humans and Things). Through this technology, the human nervous system, physiological system, and environmental system are connected to the supercomputer.

Cyberdyne's HAL – The Most Effective Way to Mobility

Using artificial intelligence, data from humans and objects can be accumulated, analyzed, and processed. This leads to the creation of a new cybernetics industry that combines humans with cyberspace and physical space, accelerating technological advancements. Positive feedback is provided to the patient’s brain, indicating that the intended motion has been completed successfully through the signal pathway between the brain and the muscles. This ultimately helps patients learn to carry out the movements independently, without the need for assistance from the technology known as HAL.

Treatment to improve, regenerate, and recover the wearer’s limb functions:

Cyberdyne’s robotic suit helps patients with various conditions move their legs. This technology is beneficial for individuals who have experienced amputations, cancer, arthritis, orthopedic injuries, cardiac disease, neurological problems, spinal cord injuries, stroke, and traumatic brain injuries.

Patients suffering from severe paralysis can undergo reflexive upper limb movement therapy through the use of robotic rehabilitation. The robot supports the limb’s weight, enabling patients with some movement to interact physically with the robot instead of relying on gravity.

A patient’s body must produce sufficient electrical signals before being dressed in Hal, as it is a conversion device.

To put it simply, in order for the artificial limb to work, the patient’s nerves that connect their legs to the brain must still have some level of functionality. 

The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) is an artificial limb that utilizes the patient’s intentions and effort to enhance the body’s natural healing process.

Cyberdyne's HAL – The Most Effective Way to Mobility

Most advanced rehabilitation therapy for spinal cord injury:

Did you know that restoring physical ability through cybernics therapy is possible? 

It’s amazing how our brain can trigger bioelectric signals (BES) that make locomotion possible. However, for paralyzed patients or spinal cord injury, these signals may be too weak to trigger proper movement. But don’t worry! HAL is here to help. 

HAL can detect faint bio-electric signals (BES) that flow onto the skin and utilize motors situated on each hip and knee joint to support one’s desired movement. This implies that you can regain control of your legs and move them in the direction you want. Following dedicated HAL gait training, the brain receives feedback from the target muscle through the sensory system.

This feedback helps the brain learn how to move legs correctly, improving walking speed for patients with spinal cord injuries. So, don’t give up hope! HAL is here to help you get back on your feet. The recovery period might vary, but we’ll be with you every step of the way. Many patients are back to work with Cyberdyne. It is not just a hope that your Spinal Cord Injury condition or similar will be recovered soon.  Please write to me to know more, and I will connect you with the right Cyberdyne center in India. Ms.Asha. Author.

Written by Admin

March 17, 2024

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