
Mobility Solutions with Vibramoov

Vibramoov technologies offer healthcare professionals a unique opportunity to preserve & enhance the sensory-motor functions of patients suffering from motor impairments.

Uses of Vibramoov Therapy

Mobility-Solutions with-Vibramoov - rehab-modalities

  • Vibramoov triggers motor activities via proprioceptive inputs
  • Regulates muscle tone Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations that are applied on the musculotendinous junction. 
  • FPS mechanically stimulates the muscle spindles mimicking the sensory signals – Ia fibers of functional movements.
  • The neurosensory trick activates related sensory-motor areas that allow the patients to feel natural movements.

Features of Vibramoov Technology… 

Promotes neuroplasticity with early intense treatment that makes perfect sense to the patient…

  • Movement therapy that is constraint-induced
  • Non-invasive brain stimulation
  • Neuromuscular electrical stimulation
  • Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation 
  • Robotic devices
  • Virtual reality
  • Electromyographic biofeedback  

Neurorehabilitation with Vibramoov

  • Intensive Rehabilitation with Vibramoov – through Functional Proprioceptive Stimulation.
  • Rehabilitation is as follows…An Intensive Care Unit, Rehabilitation Center, and Outpatient Clinic… 

Functional Proprioceptive Stimulations application in the rehabilitation continuum

  • Recovery of Motor Function
  • Walking speed recovery
  • Plasticity level

Sensory trick activates related sensory-motor areas (4) allowing patients to feel natural movements. Because sensory & motor systems are interdependent, the CNS then reacts by initiating corresponding movements

Treatment Procedure –

Neuroplasticity Booster – Mode 1

Neuro-rehabilitation solution via FPS Lower and upper limbs…

Lower Limb:

Gait with parallel bars-

Patients who can stand with assistance…

  • Realize daily motion via FPS triggering
  • Reinitiate the first steps

Regulation of Muscle Tone – Mode 2

  • Prevention of muscular hyperactivity
  • Moderate muscular hyperactivity
  • High muscular hyperactivity

Rehabilitation with Vibramoov –

Mobility-Solutions with-Vibramoov - rehab-modalities

FPS application in the rehabilitation continuum-

Neurorehabilitation of the locomotor system happens through Functional Proprioceptive Stimulation, providing… 

  • Balance
  • Mobility of Limbs, and 
  • Knee mobility

Gait Rehabilitation System-

During each phase of rehabilitation: acute, subacute, or chronic, health professionals can select & combine therapeutic solutions to maximize the protocols’ intensity & diversity & accelerate the recovery of patients. 

Vibramoov treatment can be applied to patients with mobility issues as in ailments such as Stroke, Cerebral palsy, Multiple sclerosis, Polytrauma, Brain injuries, Coma, physical injuries, and Parkinson’s Disease.

The variety of programs integrated into the Vibramoov interface, the progressiveness of exercises, and the use of patient positioning accessories allow clinicians to optimise treatment and maximise functional gains for the patients. 

Patients experience a very pleasant feeling of relaxation, of fluidity in the movements. This creates immediate relief and improved proprioception.

So, connect with Vibramoov at www.rehabmodalities.com to learn more about our rehabilitation therapy.

To know more write to us: info@rehabmodalities.com

Written by Rehab Modalities

October 13, 2023

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