


ROBERT® is an innovative rehabilitation robot focusing on
active resistive and assistive mobilisation of the lower

A complete and flexible solution
for rehabilitation

ROBERT® is an innovative and ground-breaking robot focusing on efficient rehabilitation and early mobilisation of patients. The robot others both active resistive and assistive mobilisation, and provides patients and healthcare professionals with better conditions for


Throughout our contact with health care professionals and institutions,
we gathered valuable testimonials and endorsements

Training the plantar / dorsiexors is hard to manage in a normal setup because the patient compensates a lot. ROBERT® really helps providing a quality movement, while myself, as a therapist, can decide on the range of motion for the exercise. This opportunity is a unique thing about

Nicki Larsen

ROBERT® supports us when training the paretic side of the patient, where the many repetitions and heavy liftings are very tough for me and my colleagues. When working with exercises that require leaning over the hip with a wide movement path we really see the unique support of using ROBERT®. In that way ROBERT® ensures an intensive training with many repetitions and more muscle work for our patients.

Stine Hansen
Neurocenter Østerskoven

Mobilisation and training of hospitalised elderly patients are important for maintaining self-functional ability.
Development and testing of innovative methods, including new robot technology, is desirable in order to optimise future treatment and rehabilitation procedures.

Jesper Ryg
Head Physician
Geriatric Department

Benefits of Early Mobilisation

Get moving as soon as possible after admission to
hospital or surgery is an important step to an optimal

Increases blood flow

Improves respiratory function

Maintains muscle strength

Activates the digestive system

Promotes being fit for discharge

Active Resistive Mobilisation

The resistance level of the exercise is adjusted to the patient’s functional strength. ROBERT® can perform resistance to any movement, as designed by a healthcare professional.

Active Assistive Mobilisation

The patient’s function and strength determines the level of activity during the exercise. The patient cooperates with ROBERT®’s movements or relaxes in case of fatigue.

Passive Mobilisation

Very early mobilisation of severely affected
patients is facilitated. Patients with reduced or inexistent level of function can engage in early rehabilitation.

Official Certifications

Life Science Robotics ApS is ISO 13485 certified, while ROBERT® is approved as a Class IIa medical
device in compliance with the medical device directive (93/42/EEC) and is FDA registered.

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