
ROBERT® – A complete and Flexible Solution for Rehabilitation

A first step out of bed….

ROBERT® is a contemporary and ground-breaking robot focusing on efficient rehabilitation and early mobilisation of patients. The robot offers both active resistive and assistive mobilisation and provides patients and healthcare professionals with better conditions for rehabilitation.

Even though the patients may still be weak. Life Science Robotics can showcase Robert and its unique abilities to treat lower extremities and a new module for the upper extremities

Life Science Robotics are the developers of ROBERT® a revolutionary robot design for the mobilisation of bedridden patients and specialists in rehabilitation robotics

So what difference can ROBERT® make in the lives of patients?

A Patient’s quick step out of bed with Life Science Robotics…

Types of Mobilization

ROBERT® - A-complete-and-Flexible Solution-for-Rehabilitation-rehabmodalities

The resistance level of the exercise is adjusted to the patient’s functional strength. ROBERT® can perform resistance to any movement, as designed by a healthcare professional.

Active Assistive Mobilization

The patient’s function and strength determine the level of activity during the exercise. The patient cooperates with ROBERT®’s movements or relaxes in case of fatigue.

Passive Mobilization

Very early mobilisation of severely affected patients is facilitated. Patients with a reduced or inexistent level of function can engage in early rehabilitation.

Recovery through ROBERT

ROBERT® improves the effectiveness of treatment by preventing soft tissue contracture and pressure sores, minimizing the risk of blood clots and pneumonia, and reducing muscular atrophy and neuropathic effects.

ROBERT® - A-complete-and-Flexible Solution-for-Rehabilitation-rehabmodalities

The therapy begins with ROBERT® performing a safety test The brace is attached to the patient’s lower leg and ROBERT® is rolled up to the bedside and positioned to the patient’s legs.

Patients’ ability to influence their own rehabilitation process results in an improved outcome. The exercises performed by the robot are based on the experts’ knowledge, to ensure an effective and qualitative treatment

ROBERT® is now ready to perform the therapy. The patient receives optimal quality training. This would have improved the patient’s physical training by the time they leave the intensive care unit. Once ROBERT® has been instructed by the healthcare professionals to carry out a training exercise, it carries out the heavy and repeated lifting during rehabilitation and thus improves the working environment for the physiotherapist to help the patient. 

Robert Testimonials

ROBERT® supports us when training the paretic side of the patient, where the many repetitions and heavy lifting are very tough for me and my colleagues. When working with exercises that require leaning over the hip with a wide movement path we see the unique support of using ROBERT®. In that way, ROBERT® ensures intensive training with many repetitions and more muscle work for our patients.

Stine Hansen
Neurocenter Østerskoven

ROBERT® supports healthcare professionals by lifting the burden of manual exercises. Training with ROBERT® is hard work as it is highly intensive, but it’s all worth it in the end. 

Log onto https://rehabmodalities.com/ to learn more about what this ground-breaking  ROBERT® has to offer.

Written by Admin

November 5, 2022

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