Assistive Robotic Suit ‘HAL’ – Enhancing Mobility for Patients

Cyberdyne is a recent technology in development that utilises robotics for medical procedures. The application of a Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) is employed to aid patients in this process. This robot, created by a Japanese firm, is designed to assist individuals who have lost the use of their lower limbs in regaining the ability to walk. The Cyberdyne treatment in India represents the most recent advancements in technology.

Robotic HAL Applications

Robotic Suit ‘HAL’ -Cyborg-Helps-Mobility-of-Patients-rehabmodalities

HAL enhances the wearer’s function. This treatment is focused on spinal cord injury, stroke, neuromuscular diseases, and more. Clinical applications document the treatment’s impact on promoting lower limb, upper limb, and body trunk functions.

In India, Cyberdyne treatment benefits patients worldwide. Patients who previously struggled to access treatment now receive affordable and effective care. India’s costs are nearly 50% lower than those in other countries. 

HAL in the Cyberdyne medication

  • Thought-

When a person moves their body, they initially conceive the movements within their brain. The brain sends the required signals to the muscles in the movements through the nerves by thinking, “I want to walk.”

  • Sending Signals

Each muscle in a healthy body can receive signals from the brain and move as intended with strength and speed. However, the technology involved in stimulating the nerves is used in the case of the Wearable Cyborg™ HAL to achieve this.


  • interpreting the signals-

The brain sends signals to muscles, which leak onto the skin as faint “bio-electric signals (BES).” HAL can detect BES by attaching special sensors to the wearer’s skin. By combining different pieces of information, HAL can understand the wearer’s intended movements.

  • Identifying the motion-

Like a human, HAL can quickly process different information the brain perceives and promptly manage the power unit. When the body begins to move, HAL also initiates movement simultaneously. As a result, HAL is capable of aiding the wearer’s movements.

  • Reaction –

Controlling the human body’s movement involves more than just activating muscles. The brain interprets the signals related to body movement. When HAL effectively supports the act of “walking,” it provides the brain with the sensation of being able to walk.

Consequently, the brain gradually learns to generate the necessary signals for “walking,” which is a crucial initial step in assisting physically challenged individuals in walking without HAL’s support. HAL is the sole robot capable of offering suitable solutions for brain-controlled motions.

Rehabilitation Process

Rehabilitation facilities rely on sensing technology to make progress in rehabilitation every day. Utilise “Cyberdyne Technology” to accomplish what seems impossible! With the assistance of HAL – the “Wearable Cyborg™,” you can regain mobility with enhanced physical strength and endurance. 

Start your journey to improved mobility here.

Connect with us at to schedule a free demo.

Written by Rehab Modalities


June 11, 2023

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