
The Hybrid Assistive Limb – for Patients with Cerebral Palsy

Cyberdyne HAL – is a Miracle in Motion. The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) is an exoskeleton wearable robot suit that assists in voluntary control of knee and hip joint motion. 

The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL [The Hybrid Assistive Limb] improves functional locomotion in patients with cerebral palsy.

The Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) is a robot that can improve the user’s physical capabilities, particularly for people who have physical mobility difficulties. By monitoring the user’s center of gravity and direction of movement, HAL improves the user’s physical mobility. 

The effect of this treatment method to promote functions of the lower limb, upper limb, and body trunk is being reported through clinical applications. Cyberdyne treatment in India is helping various patients from all over the world. Patients who otherwise found it difficult to get treatment, are now in the right hands, and that too at such affordable prices. India offers almost 50% less cost than other countries.

Treating Cerebral Palsy with HAL

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The Hybrid Assistive Limb intervention for postoperative patients with cerebral palsy whose muscle strength decreases can enhance improvement in walking ability.

HAL is a neuronal-controlled cyborg, which is used for the treatment of patients with cerebral vascular disease, common motor disabilities e.g. cerebral palsy, progressive intractable neuromuscular disease, and other brain-neuromuscular diseases.

The neuronal-controlled HAL robot suit is used for neuromuscular feedback therapy. The command to execute a movement is transmitted from the brain through the spinal cord to the patient’s muscle which results in the muscle being tensioned to execute the movement. With patients suffering from neurogenic gait disorders this signal chain is partially impaired so that an independent initiation of movement is only possible to a limited degree.

However, the residual neuromuscular impulses of the patient are picked up by sensors and transmitted to the HAL system. The system detects the impulses and provides the patient with the required power assistance to execute the desired movement.


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Cerebral palsy is associated with the abnormal generation of bioelectrical signals in the lower limbs associated with brain damage. Patients with spastic cerebral palsy who cannot walk alone can gain gait ability by wearing HAL.

Robotic technology in healthcare is a crucial step toward increasing the quality and efficiency of patient care. Rehabilitation robots in physical therapy help promote functions of the lower limb, upper limb, and body trunk through clinical applications, helping patients walk again.

Robotics can also be used in improving and determining a patient’s proprioception of their lower limbs. 

Patient Testimonial

In 2013, Rody was caught in a car accident which resulted in him having a spinal cord injury. This injury caused him to have difficulty in standing and walking. However, things changed when he was admitted to Pusat Rehabilitasi PERKESO in the year 2019 and started receiving Cyberdyne Lower Limb treatment.

After 6 months of Cyberdyne treatment, now he can stand and walk again using the walker. What’s more exciting is that Rody is now back to work!

So, log onto https://rehabmodalities.com/ for a free demo of our treatment plans with Cyberdyne HAL

Written by Admin

December 12, 2022

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