
Therapy by HAL for Progressive Muscular Dystrophy

Cyberdyne is a robot that employs HAL® [Hybrid Assistive Limb] technology to assist persons who have lost their lower limbs in regaining the joy of walking. HAL®, a wearable cyborg, offers hope to patients with progressive muscular dystrophy by allowing them to move their legs with intention.

India’s medical sector has made significant achievements, including cyberdyne therapy. With Japanese sponsors showing a strong interest in HAL’s business, India has emerged as the preferred investment location.

The Wearable Cyborg™ is a neurological device that allows patients to restore natural mobility in their paralysed legs via intention. Its purpose is to enhance locomotor function and other neuromuscular diseases in people with Muscular Dystrophy.

HAL Procedures for Muscular Dystrophy

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The functional regeneration technology employing HAL is a revolutionary therapy method that improves human brain-nerve-musculoskeletal capabilities by stimulating the body’s self-healing potential, which humans naturally possess.

Even the smallest movement in a person’s body can cause nerve impulses to be transferred from the brain to the muscles. The whole musculoskeletal system may move when light “bio-electrical signals” seep out to the skin’s surface.

Before a patient may wear the Cyberdyne HAL, a requirement must be met. Because the HAL is only a conversion device, it requires the patient’s body to provide adequate electrical impulses, which implies that the nerves linking the patient’s legs to the brain must remain marginally “alive.”

The prosthetic limb complements the body’s inherent ability to mend itself. The Hybrid Assistive Limb only requires the patient to do a portion of the job; from there, the HAL may use the user’s intents to achieve outcomes.

Recovery from Muscular Dystrophy

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HAL®, Cyberdyne’s Wearable Cyborg™, enhances locomotor function in individuals with progressive muscular dystrophy. This neuro-rehabilitation gadget assists patients in moving their paretic or paralysed legs depending on their purpose, rather than dictating their motions on its own.

Cyberdyne HAL® can help improve gait patterns and walking function, even in chronic stages of the condition, by utilising the body’s natural feedback mechanism. Furthermore, there have been favourable benefits on neuropathic pain and the cardiovascular system.

Patients Testimonials-

Robin’s storey –

“The first and most important I would want to thank the Cyberdyne Care Team’s kind and knowledgeable staff. Following my injury with partial tetraplegia, I was offered ambulatory training at Cyberdyne, which I happily accepted. I understood right away after the first session that this type of instruction would benefit others in my circumstance. I was impressed and, luckily, able to make rapid progress. In my perspective, without this type of therapy, my rehabilitation would not have been as successful. Today I can walk without assistance and put the terrible period behind me.

Cyberdyne therapy significantly contributed to this breakthrough. So, once again, a huge thank you to the entire crew. Without you, everything would have turned out differently.

Rehabilitation robots in physical therapy help patients with dystrophies improve their movements by ensuring proper exercise execution. The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL supports patients’ body weight, allowing them to engage for longer durations without fatigue. They measure progress and offer feedback.

For more on ‘HAL support’ connect with us at https://rehabmodalities.com/

Written by Rehab Modalities

October 20, 2023

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