
Treating Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Using Cyborg

The Hybrid Assistive Limb – HAL® helps recover lost bodily functions. It is a treatment device for walking exercise, proven to be more effective in patients with incurable Progressive Muscular Dystrophy diseases. This Cyberdyne Treatment improves connections within the nervous system.

Uses of Cyberdyne HAL® 

Patients with muscular dystrophy can benefit from HAL training in various ways- 

  • Preserves and improves gait ability
  • Improves endurance
  • Positive psychological effects

“Wearable Cyborg™ HAL performance test suggests a high efficacy towards patients with Progressive Muscular Dystrophy disease.

HAL Therapy for Progressive Muscular Dystrophy

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The robotic suit HAL® is the only approved system of its kind that traps the electrical signals of the brain via the skin surface of the lower limbs and supports them in a motorised manner.

HAL® realises the action after detecting the wearer’s bioelectric potential signal with a sensor affixed to the skin. The leg muscle receives nerve impulses from the brain. These impulses are recorded by the patient’s skin sensors.

The movement is a controlled activity deliberately desired by the patient. The positive feedback is sent back from muscles to the brain. During the rehabilitation period using HAL® therapy the musculature builds up, the walking pattern improves significantly, becomes safer and walking aids can be reduced.

In order to help the person’s joints move in sync, HAL® can read the signal and manage the power unit. Interactive biofeedback between HAL®, the brain, the nervous system, and the muscular system is encouraged inside and outside of the body by using HAL® which makes use of the bio-electrical signal that represents the wearers’ intended movements.

Rehabilitation by Cyborg

A clinical study was conducted after approval from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan. The results were used to gain medical device approval in Japan which was meant to treat individuals with Progressive Muscular Dystrophy disease. 

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The key to promoting functional improvement through Cyberdyne Treatment is not just transmitting voluntary command signals from the human brain to the musculoskeletal system via the spinal cord and peripheral nerves but more so on the return of feedback from the sensation of actual movement to the human brain. 

During the recovery period, using HAL® exoskeleton, many key treatment goals can be achieved. For example, the leg muscles are built up, gait is improved significantly and feels steadier. There is…

  • Increased walking speed
  • Reduced need for medical aids
  • Reduction of spasticity
  • Reduction in neuropathic pain
  • Strengthening of the muscles

Patient Testimonial

Puschel – says

“I need to be able to walk in my daughter’s wedding after Progressive Muscular Dystrophy Disease. The first time I got on it, I thought

‘This is going to be great, I am going to be able to walk, but No! It was very difficult but super awesome. Initially, the robot was having to do all the work for me. Every time I got in the robot I was able to do a little more until I was able to just do it on my own. When it came time to walk at my daughter’s wedding, I was able to walk with a walker down the aisle”

Connect with us today at https://rehabmodalities.com/ for a free demo of our journey with Cyberdyne HAL 

Written by Rehab Modalities

January 27, 2023

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