
Progressive Muscular Dystrophy treatment by HAL

Cyberdyne is a robot that uses HAL® [ Hybrid Assistive Limb] technology to help people who have lost the use of their lower limbs and rediscover the joy of walking. The ‘wearable cyborg’ HAL® uses the HAL Brings a New Hope in Patients with Progressive Muscular Dystrophy patient’s intention to move the legs.

Cyberdyne treatment in India is one such accomplishment that the country’s medical industry has. With the Japanese sponsors taking a great interest in the business of HAL, India has become the prime destination for all investments. 

The Wearable Cyborg™ is a neurological device that helps patients regain the natural movement of their paralysed legs based on their intention. It is to improve locomotor activity and other types of neuromuscular disease in patients with Muscular Dystrophy.

HAL Pattern in the treatment of Muscular Dystrophy

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The functional regeneration technology using HAL is an innovative treatment technology that enables the improvement of human brain-nerve-musculoskeletal functions by activating the body’s self-healing ability that humans are naturally in possession of.

The slightest movement in a person’s body can cause nerve signals to be transmitted from the brain to the muscles. This can cause the entire musculoskeletal system to move as light “bio-electrical signals” leak out to the skin’s surface. 

A condition has to be fulfilled before a patient is dressed in the HAL. Because the HAL is just a conversion device, it needs the body of the patient to offer sufficient electrical signals, which means the nerves connecting the legs of the patient to the brain must still be slightly “alive.” 

The artificial limb builds on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The Hybrid Assistive Limb only needs the patient to offer a percentage of the work; from there, the HAL can use the patient’s intentions to produce results.

Rehabilitation for Muscular Dystrophy

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HAL®, Cyberdyne’s – Wearable Cyborg™ improves locomotor activity in patients with progressive muscular dystrophy. This neuro-rehab device helps the patients move their paretic or paralysed legs based on their intention and the device does not dictate its movements on its own. 

Using the feedback system inherent in your body, your voluntary movements assisted by HAL® will lead to improvements in your gait patterns and walking function even in the chronic stages of the disease. Furthermore, positive effects have been observed in neuropathic pain and the cardiovascular system.


Robin’s story –

“First, I want to thank the nice and competent staff of the Cyberdyne Care Team. I was offered ambulatory training at Cyberdyne after my accident with incomplete tetraplegia, which I accepted thankfully. Already after the first session, I knew that this kind of training is useful for people in my situation. I was impressed and thankfully was able to progress quickly. In my opinion, my recovery would not be as good as it was without this kind of therapy. Today I can walk without any aids and could leave the difficult time behind me. 

Cyberdyne treatment played a huge part in this development. So again, a big thank you goes to the whole team. Without you, things would have a different outcome”

Rehabilitation robots in physical therapy ensure that exercises are performed accurately to improve movements for patients with dystrophies. 

The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL helps support the patient’s body weight so that patients can participate for periods before tiring. They measure improvements and provide the assessment.

For more on ‘HAL support’ connect with us at https://rehabmodalities.com/

Written by Admin

February 24, 2023

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