
Treating Traumatic Brain Injuries with the help of Cyberdyne

Cyberdyne HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) is the world’s first cyborg-type robot for enabling, supporting, enhancing, and improving a wearer’s motor function ability and performance, describing HAL as leading to a fusion of man, machine, and information.

The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL provides medical treatments for the functional improvement of patients with cerebral, nervous, and muscle disorders including spinal cord injury and cerebral embolism.

Features of The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL

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For people who have difficulty standing, sitting, walking, or moving their arms on their own due to a decline in physical function from brain injuries, wearing ‘The Hybrid Assistive Limb [HAL] activates the neural loop of the brain-nerve systems, thereby inducing improvement in the brain-nerve-musculoskeletal systems.

Neuro HALFIT is a new program in which one can expect changes in their feelings by experiencing changes in physical functions.

Even for people who no longer feel improvement in traditional rehab, with Cyberdyne’s Neuro HALFIT they can expect further progress. Through this program, we support your goal to “take a step further” and “improve and enjoy every moment of life”

The effect of this treatment method to promote functions of the lower limb, upper limb, and body trunk is being reported through clinical applications.

Cyberdyne treatment in India is helping various patients from all over the world. Patients who otherwise found it difficult to get treatment, are now in the right hands, and that too at such affordable prices. India offers almost 50% less cost than other countries. 

Cyberdyne Rehabilitation:

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Cyberdyne treatment – HAL provides advanced neuro-robotic rehabilitation technologies for the well-being of patients around the world. HAL® is also considered the system that accelerates motor learning of the brain which eventually leads to the neuroplasticity of the brain functions. 

The purpose of The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL is to create an ideal future by researching, developing, and manufacturing innovative Cybernics systems, with a focus on improving medicine, welfare, and daily life.

Our Patient Testimonial – Attillas Story

Shortly after my accident and emergency surgery I was shocked. I regretted that I did not do many things, such as travelling or going to dance with my wife if there was an opportunity. The doctor’s prognosis said that with good training I might be able to stand up again. After a few days with full effort to recover the control of my knee and ankle, I was motivated and qualified to do the Cyberdyne Therapy. My goals were set high but the therapist kept them in mind and I got the hardest training of my life. It was easy for me to reach my physical limits during training, and used the regenerations periods to regain control of my body step by step. We are sure that the HAL treatment was one main point why I am able to do sports and go to work again nowadays. I can highly recommend HAL Therapy to anyone that is in the same situation as me.

Connect with us at https://rehabmodalities.com/ for a free demo on Cyberdyne’s journey of mobility!!

Written by Admin

December 12, 2022

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