
Cyberdyne’s HAL – The Way to Mobility

With advancements in healthcare and other technologies, India is racing towards better medical facilities. Cyberdyne is a new technology under the treatment that uses Robotics to operate. The use of a Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) to assist the patient, is used in this process.

Uses of The Robot Suit

HAL brings new hope!

Cyberdyne’s-HAL – The-Way-to-Mobility-rehabmodalities

The technology that has been developed is based on the new concept of IoT technology (Internet of human and things). Through this technology, the human nervous system, physiological system, and environmental system are connected to the supercomputer.

The data of humans and things are accumulated, analyzed, and processed through artificial intelligence, thus accelerating the creation of a new cybernics industry that fuses humans with cyberspace and physical space. There is positive feedback to the patient’s brain that the intended motion was completed, with the signal pathway between the brain and the muscles, and ultimately helps patients learn to carry out the movements on their own, independent of HAL.

Treatment for wearer’s limb functions

Cyberdyne’s Robotic suit helps patients move their legs. The robotics approve patients suffering from numerous types of illness, injury, or disease, including amputations, cancer, arthritis, orthopedic injuries, cardiac disease, neurological problems, spinal cord injuries, stroke, and traumatic brain injuries. 

Patients with rigorous paresis can be given reflexive movement of the upper limb, via robotic rehabilitation. For patients with some movement power, robots are supported by the weight of a limb in contrast to gravity, due to the physical interaction between the subject and the robot.

There is a condition that needs to be fulfilled before a patient is dressed in the Hal. Since the Hal is just a conversion device, it needs the body of the patient to offer sufficient electrical. 

In other words, the nerves connecting the legs of the patient to the brain must still be somewhat “alive.” The artificial limb builds on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The HAL only needs the patient to offer a percentile of the work, and from there the HAL can use the patient’s intentions to produce results.


Cyberdyne’s-HAL – The-Way-to-Mobility-rehabmodalities

Restoring physical ability with cybernics therapy is the key. Our intention to move the legs triggers bio-electric signals (BES) from the brain that communicate with the muscles that make locomotion possible. Such signals from paralyzed patients may be too weak to trigger proper movement. However, HAL can sensor faint BES that trickle onto the skin, process it, and simultaneously assist one’s desired movement with motors located on each hip and knee joint.

More importantly, the brain receives feedback from the target muscle through the sensory system and learns how to move legs correctly after repetition of dedicated HAL gait training. HAL research shows significant improvement in walking speed for patients with spinal cord injuries after therapy with the device. Recovery can be quick depending on how fast the patient is ready for it.

See how Cyberdyne can change your life! Log onto https://rehabmodalities.com for more on the treatment plans.

Written by Admin

April 9, 2023

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