
Use of Robotic Technology as an Assistive Device

With numerous breakthroughs in technology, healthcare has reached new heights. Cyberdyne is one such pioneer in the science of “Cybernics”, which is the fusion of human, machine, and information. Cybernics Treatment is a medical treatment that uses HAL to improve and regenerate the function of the wearer. This treatment targets medical cases such as spinal cord injury, stroke, and neuromuscular diseases.

Let’s understand this well-defined idea in terms of uses, treatment, and related aspects—

Uses of this Amazing Technology–

Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL) is a Robotic Technology that can supplement or improve the user’s physical capabilities, particularly for people who have physical mobility difficulties. By monitoring the user’s center of gravity and direction of movement, HAL improves the user’s physical mobility. 

The effect of this treatment method to promote functions of the lower limb, upper limb, and body trunk is being reported through clinical applications. Cyberdyne treatment in India is helping various patients from all over the world. Patients who otherwise found it difficult to get treatment, are now in the right hands, and that too at such affordable prices. India offers almost 50% less cost than other countries. 

Gist of the Robotic Technology Treatment

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Treatment with HAL-

Cybernics Treatment uses HAL to improve/regenerate the function of the wearer. The treatment targets spinal cord injury, stroke, neuromuscular diseases, etc.

  • Thought Power-

Any movement in a person’s body triggers the motions in his/her brain. By thinking “I want to walk.” the brain transmits necessary signals to the muscles required for the motion.

  • Signal Effect-

In a healthy body, each muscle is able to receive signals destined from the brain to it and move as strongly and fast as intended. In the case of HAL, it is done with help of the technology involved in stimulating the nerves.

  • Reading the Signals-

HAL is able to read Bio-electric signals by attaching the originally developed detectors on the surface of the wearer ‘s skin. By consolidating various information, HAL recognizes what sorts of motions the wearer intends.

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  • Motion Recognition-

HAL, as well as man, are able to process various information instantly and control the power unit promptly. When the body starts moving, HAL starts moving at the same time, and so HAL is able to assist the wearer ‘s motions.

  • Learning the motion-

Our brain, first confirms how the body moves on what sort of signals. When Cyberdyne HAL has appropriately assisted the motions of “walking”, the feeling “I could walk!” is fed back to the brain. In this manner, the brain is able to learn the way to emit necessary signals for “walking” gradually, which leads to “the important first step” in walking the physically challenged person without being assisted by HAL. 

 Robotic rehabilitation tools are neither the standard of care, nor entirely experimental, but rather a clinically innovative therapy of some use

Recovery from Robotic Technology

Cybernics a Robotic technology delivers revolutionary therapies and enhances the quality of life for all people in need. The purpose is to create an ideal future by researching, developing, and manufacturing innovative Cybernics systems, with a focus on improving medicine, welfare, and daily life.

In one story from our Patient, Puschel says – “I need to be able to walk in my daughter’s wedding and guess what – I was able to walk with a walker down the aisle.” That would have been close to impossible if not for Cyberdyne! So don’t give up and always try to make your life better. 

Log onto Cyberdyne at https://rehabmodalities.com/ to learn more about the incredible healthcare platform that connects the ‘Human and the Robot’

Written by Admin

April 1, 2023

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