
Your Journey Towards Mobility with Cyberdyne HAL

HAL – The “Wearable Cyborg™ is a robot that can supplement or improve the user’s physical capabilities, especially for people who have physical mobility difficulties as a result of car accidents, illness, or aging.

HAL– ‘the Hybrid Assistive Limb’ is a neurological device that helps patients regain the natural movement of their paralyzed legs based on their intention. It is to improve the locomotor activity in spinal cord injury, stroke, and other types of neuromuscular disease patients in the chronic stage. 

Uses of HAL

Your Journey Towards Mobility-with-Cyberdyne-HAL-rehabmodalities

The hybrid Assistive Limb is the world‘s first “Wearable Cyborg™ that can improve, enhance and support the wearer’s bodily functions and physical capability.

Wearing HAL leads to a fusion of “man”, “machine” and “information”. HAL assists a person with paralysis or weakness of the limbs as a result of the spinal cord or brain injuries such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, or neurodegenerative diseases to move and enables him or her to exert bigger motor energy than usual. HAL is also considered the system that accelerates motor learning of the brain which eventually leads to the neuroplasticity of the brain functions.

The nerves connecting the legs of the patient to the brain must still be somewhat “alive.” The artificial limb builds on the body’s natural ability to heal itself. The HAL only needs the patient to offer a percentile of the work, and from there the HAL can use the patient’s intentions to produce results.

Cyberdyne Treatment with “Wearable Cyborg™ – HAL improves ambulatory function in patients 

Treatment with Cyberdyne


HAL to improve and regenerate the wearer’s function:

When a person tries to move their body, nerve signals are transmitted from the brain to the muscles via motor neurons, causing the musculoskeletal system, including joints, to move. Just before the body movement, faint “bio-electrical signals” that reflect a person’s intention leak out to the skin’s surface. HAL can read this signal and control the power unit to assist joint movement in unison with the person. By using HAL, which utilizes the bio-electrical signal that reflects the wearers’ intended motion, interactive biofeedback is promoted in and outside of the body between HAL, brain, nervous system, and muscular system. 

Cyberdyne Treatment targets – spinal cord injury, stroke, and neuromuscular diseases. It uses Hybrid Assistive Limb to improve/regenerate the function of the wearer.

The technology that has been developed is based on the new concept of the ‘Internet of Human and things’. Through this technology, the human nervous system, the physiological system and the environmental system are connected to the supercomputer. A large data of humans and things are analysed and processed through artificial intelligence, thus accelerating the creation of a new Cybernetics industry that fuses humans with cyberspace and physical space.


Rehabilitation robots in physical therapy assist a person with paralysis or weakness of the limbs as a result of the spinal cord or brain injuries such as stroke, traumatic brain injury, multiple sclerosis, or neurodegenerative diseases to move and enables him or her to exert bigger motor energy than usual. 

Cyberdyne HAL is the system that accelerates motor learning of the brain, eventually leading to the neuroplasticity of brain functions.

Connect with us at  https://rehabmodalities.com/ to know more about Cyberdyne treatment.

Written by Admin

November 5, 2022

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