HAL, the Wearable Cyborg™, stands for Hybrid Assistive Limb. HAL is a robot that can supplement, expand or improve the user’s physical capabilities, particularly for people who have physical mobility difficulties as a result of car accidents, illness, or ageing. Big...
“Cyberdyne” is the power generated by Cybernetics”. HAL is the only robot that can provide appropriate solutions for motions to the brain. The technology that has been developed is based on the new concept of IoH/IoT technology (Internet of human and...
Cyberdyne” is the world’s first Wearable Cyborg™ or robot suit. Cyberdyne treatment in India is one such cherry on the cake that the country’s medical industry has. With the Japanese sponsors taking a great interest in the business of HAL, India has become the prime...
With numerous breakthroughs in technology, healthcare has reached new heights. Cyberdyne is one such pioneer in the science of “Cybernics”, which is the fusion of human, machine, and information. Cybernics Treatment is a medical treatment that uses HAL to improve and...
Cyberdyne HAL® helps people who have lost the use of their lower limbs, rediscover the joy of walking. The robotic suit uses the patient’s intention to move the legs. In patients with orthopaedic injuries, Cyberdyne’s – Hybrid Assistive Limb, HAL® improves their...
Cyberdyne’s Locomotor training performed using a neurologically controlled cyborg HAL® enables the neural activity and repetitive exercises of specific tasks. HAL® therapy promotes learning and leads to the restructuring of the appropriate...
The Wearable Cyborg™ helps athletes relearn to carry out movements by themselves. Cyberdyne technology empowers individuals to walk on their own. Cyberdyne HAL® – helps patients regain the natural movement of their paralysed legs based on their intention. It...
The Wearable Cyborg™ HAL® is designed for treatment to improve patients’ physical functions, especially for those with disability. Cyberdyne Treatment uses HAL to revitalise the function of the wearer. The treatment targets lower limb-related...
Cyberdyne HAL is the called The “Wearable Cyborg™. HAL Technology is a pioneer in the science of “Cybernics”. It’s the fusion of human, machine, and information. Cyberdyne treatment in India is the latest technology. With the Japanese sponsors taking a...
HAL is determined to create an ideal future by researching, developing, and manufacturing innovative Cybernics systems, with a focus on improving medicine, welfare, and daily life. Competing with new and advanced technology is very crucial in...