
Cyberdyne HAL® Restores Physical Independence in Athletes

The Wearable Cyborg™ helps athletes relearn to carry out movements by themselves. Cyberdyne technology empowers individuals to walk on their own.

Cyberdyne HAL® – helps patients regain the natural movement of their paralysed legs based on their intention. It improves locomotor activities in all types of neuromuscular disease patients in the chronic stage of athletes. One of HAL®’s unique characteristics is its direct involvement with the neural signals generated by the wearer.

Not only will the device display what signals are reaching the muscle, but it will also provide motion assistance based on these signals. With this internal information about what is happening inside the body when attempting to move, we can manipulate HAL® response to these signals to encourage elderly wearers/athletes to use more appropriate muscle groups when carrying out daily activities and produce stronger, healthier signals.

HAL® represents two control systems. The “Cybernics Voluntary Control System” uses BES to perform the wearer ‘s desired movements. The other is the “Cybernics Autonomous Control System” to realise human-like movements even if the BES cannot be detected. These two control methods are the reason why the Wearable Cyborg™ HAL® is such an advanced technology.

Cyberdyne HAL Step-by-Step Treatment

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Sends Signals

The brain generates command signals and the muscles receive them. When a person’s body moves, they first think about the motions in their brain. By the thought “I want to walk.” our brain channelises the required signals to the muscles needed for the motion through nerves.

Transmits Signals

Every muscle in a healthy body can receive signals from the brain to it and move as strongly and fast as intended. In the case of HAL®, it is done with help of the technology involved in stimulating the nervous system.

Receives Signals 

Signals sent to muscles by the brain leak on the skin surface as very faint signals, so-called “bio-electric signals [BES]”. HAL® can read BES only by attaching the originally developed detectors on the surface of the weaver‘s skin. By consolidating various information, HAL® recognizes what sort of motions the patient intends.

Feedback Given

A human’s speed of thinking, controlling the muscle, and moving the joints are extremely rapid. HAL®, as well as man, can process various information instantly. When the body starts moving, HAL® moves too. HAL® can now assist the wearer’s movements.

Rehabilitation to athletes from Injury

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The neuro-rehab device helps the athletes patients move their paralysed legs based on their intention and the device does not dictate its movements on its own. The voluntary movements initiated by Wearable Cyborg™ HAL® can improve gait patterns and walking function even in the chronic stages of the disorder, using the feedback system inherent in your body.

Positive effects have been observed in neuropathic pain, bladder and bowel function, spasticity, and the cardiovascular system.

Patient’s Rehabilitation

People around the world use Cyberdyne technology to regain their mobility after restores Physical Independence in Athletes . Rehabilitation robots in physical therapy eventually work toward a patient’s strength and endurance!

Log on to https://rehabmodalities.com/ for more on Cyberdyne Treatment with HAL®

Written by Admin

March 24, 2023

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